Moving into a new home can feel like a fresh start. But have you considered the cleanliness of your new space before settling in? This question is where a move-in cleaning checklist becomes your best friend. It ensures your new beginning is as clean and comfortable as possible.

In this article, we dive deep into the essentials of move-in cleaning. You’ll find out how to scrub the nooks and crannies, making the process efficient and enjoyable. Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn:

  • The Must-Have Supplies: Everything you need to start.
  • Room-By-Room Guide: Detailed steps for each area of your home.
  • Eco-Friendly Practices: How to clean green and keep it safe for your family.
  • Professional Help: When to call in the experts for that extra shine.
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Quick Start: Key Steps for Immediate Impact

Starting your move with a move-in cleaning checklist can make a big difference. It sets the stage for a home that’s visually appealing but also healthy and welcoming. The key? Focusing on areas that matter most from day one. This approach isn’t just about cleaning; it’s about instantly making your new space feel like home.

Tackling High-Traffic Areas First

High-traffic areas in your new home are the spots that see the most activity. These areas can collect dust, dirt, and germs faster than others. Prioritizing these spots ensures your house is clean where it counts most. Let’s break down the steps:

Entrance and Hallways

The gateway to your home. Keep this area tidy to make a good first impression. Place a durable doormat for wiping shoes. Use a microfiber mop to pick up dust and allergens.


The heart of the home needs special attention. It’s where you’ll prepare meals and gather with family. Clean appliances inside and out. Disinfect countertops and sink areas.


These spaces can harbor bacteria and need regular sanitization. Focus on the toilet, sink, and bathtub/shower. Replace old toilet seats for a fresh start.

Living Room

A communal space for relaxation and entertainment. Vacuum sofas and chairs. Dust electronics and decor items.


Your retreat should be a priority for a restful sleep. Clean windows and mirrors for natural light. Vacuum or steam clean the carpet.

Disinfecting Surfaces for a Healthy Environment

A clean home is more than just tidy; it’s also about ensuring a healthy environment for you and your family. This means putting a strong focus on disinfecting surfaces. Germs and bacteria can linger on surfaces you touch often. By targeting these areas, you can reduce the risk of illness and make your home safer.

Here’s how to effectively disinfect key surfaces in your new home:

  • Kitchen Countertops: Use a food-safe disinfectant after cleaning to kill lingering bacteria.
  • Bathroom Fixtures: Apply disinfectant sprays on faucets, handles, and light switches.
  • Door Handles and Light Switches: Wipe down with disinfecting wipes daily, as these are high-touch areas.
  • Remote Controls and Electronics: Use alcohol-based wipes to clean without damaging the items.
  • Children’s Toys and Play Areas: Opt for non-toxic cleaners to ensure these spaces are safe for the little ones.

apartment cleaning checklist before moving inBefore You Start: Pre-Move In Preparation

Preparing for a move involves more than just packing boxes; it’s also about preparing your new space for a fresh start. This preparation is crucial for turning a new house into your home. The right start can set the tone for your time in this space, making it feel welcoming and safe from day one. Before diving into the cleaning, let’s discuss what you need to gather to make this process smooth and effective.

Gathering Cleaning Supplies and Tools

Equipping yourself with the right cleaning supplies and tools is the first step towards a successful move-in clean. You don’t want to scramble for a sponge when you’re ready to tackle that kitchen grime. Here’s a checklist to ensure you have everything you need:

  • Microfiber Cloths: Great for dusting and polishing surfaces without leaving streaks.
  • Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions: For a safe and green clean that’s kind to the environment.
  • Disinfectant Sprays and Wipes: Essential for sanitizing high-touch areas to keep germs at bay.
  • Durable Gloves: Protect your hands from chemicals and dirt during cleaning.
  • Bucket and Mop: For thorough floor cleaning, especially in high-traffic areas.
  • Vacuum Cleaner: A must-have for carpeted areas and picking up dust and debris.
  • Squeegee: Perfect for streak-free window cleaning.
  • Broom and Dustpan: Ideal for quick clean-ups and hard-to-reach corners.

Scheduling Your Cleaning Day

Picking the right day for your move-in cleaning is as crucial as the cleaning itself. Ideally, this should be done when the house is still empty, giving you the best chance to reach every corner without obstacles. This timing ensures that your new home is spotless and ready for you to move in. Here are some tips to help schedule your cleaning day effectively:

  • Check the Weather Forecast: Aim for a dry day to prevent mud and dirt from being tracked in.
  • Coordinate with Movers: Ensure it’s before your belongings arrive to avoid cleaning around boxes.
  • Consider Utility Setup: Make sure water and electricity are on for cleaning.
  • Allocate Enough Time: Depending on the size of your home, you might need a full day or even two.
  • Ask for Help: Rally friends or family for a faster, more enjoyable cleaning process.

Safety Tips for Effective Cleaning

Cleaning involves more than elbow grease; keeping safety in mind to avoid accidents and health risks is important. Here’s a simple guide to stay safe while making your new house shine:

Safety Gear Why It’s Needed Tip
Gloves Protects hands from harsh chemicals and grime. Choose gloves that are durable yet offer sensitivity for delicate tasks.
Masks It prevents inhaling dust and chemical fumes. Use a mask, especially while dusting or using spray cleaners.
Safety Goggles Shields eyes from splashes and irritants. It is a must-have if you’re using spray disinfectants or are dust-sensitive.
Comfortable Clothing It protects your body and allows easy movement. Wear old clothes that cover well but don’t restrict your movement.


  • Read Labels Carefully: Understanding product instructions can prevent accidents.
  • Ventilate Your Space: Open windows and doors to ensure fresh air circulation.
  • Avoid Mixing Chemicals: Some household cleaners can produce dangerous gases when mixed.
  • Keep a First-Aid Kit Handy: Be prepared for minor accidents during your cleaning spree.

Room-By-Room Move-In Cleaning Checklist

A thorough move-in clean requires a detailed approach, tackling each room with a strategy to ensure every corner is noticed. This section of our move-in cleaning checklist dives into the specific tasks to tackle in each room. By breaking it down room by room, you ensure a comprehensive clean that makes your new house truly feel like home. Let’s start with one of the most crucial areas: the kitchen.

move in cleaning servicesKitchen Deep Clean Essentials

The kitchen, often called the heart of the home, demands special attention during your move-in cleaning. It’s not just about making it look good but ensuring it’s sanitary and ready for cooking and family gatherings. Here’s how to give your kitchen the deep clean it deserves:

  • Refrigerator: Start with defrosting, if necessary, and then clean the inside with a mix of water and baking soda.
  • Oven and Stovetop: Use a heavy-duty cleaner for the oven interior and stovetop surfaces. Don’t forget the oven racks and stovetop knobs.
  • Cabinets and Drawers: Empty them and wipe down both inside and out with a mild cleaner.
  • Sink and Faucets: Disinfect the sink, focusing on the drain, and polish the faucet with a suitable cleaner.
  • Countertops: Clear off any items and use an appropriate disinfectant for the material, whether it’s granite, marble, or laminate.
  • Dishwasher: Clean the filter and run a cycle with a dishwasher cleaner to freshen it up.
  • Floors: Finish with the floors by sweeping, then mopping with a floor cleaner suitable for the material.

Bathroom Sanitization Steps

The bathroom is a critical area requiring thorough sanitization to ensure it’s free from germs and bacteria. A sparkling clean bathroom looks inviting and promotes a healthier living environment. Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively sanitize your bathroom:

  • Toilet: Use a strong disinfectant to clean the bowl, seat, lid, and around the base. Don’t forget the flush handle.
  • Shower and Tub: Apply a mold and mildew remover, and scrub all surfaces, including the showerhead and faucet.
  • Sink and Countertop: Disinfect the sink, paying special attention to the drain, and wipe down the countertop.
  • Mirrors and Glass: Use a streak-free glass cleaner for a clear, shiny finish.
  • Tiles and Grout: Apply a grout cleaner and use a brush to remove any mold or discoloration.
  • Floors: Sweep and mop with a disinfectant cleaner, ensuring you reach behind the toilet and under the sink.

Ensuring your bathroom is sanitized makes it visually appealing and secures a germ-free area for personal care routines.

Living Areas and Bedrooms Focus

You’ll spend most of your time in living areas and bedrooms, making their cleanliness crucial for overall comfort and relaxation. Here’s how to ensure these spaces are welcoming and clean:

  • Dusting: Dust surfaces, including shelves, mantelpieces, and window sills. Use a microfiber cloth to capture more dust.
  • Upholstery and Fabrics: Vacuum sofas, chairs, curtains, and any other fabric surfaces. Consider steam cleaning for a deeper clean.
  • Carpets and Rugs: Vacuum thoroughly. Use a carpet cleaner or hire a professional for stains or deep cleaning.
  • Windows: Clean the inside and outside of windows to let in natural light and improve the view.
  • Closets: Vacuum or sweep closet floors and remove shelves before organizing your belongings.

Special Attention Areas

While the kitchen, bathrooms, and living areas often receive the most focus during a move-in clean, other spaces require special attention to ensure your home is welcoming. These areas might not be the first you think of, but they’re crucial for a complete clean:

  • Baseboards and Crown Molding: Dust and wipe down these often-neglected areas to prevent buildup and give the room a finished look.
  • Light Fixtures and Ceiling Fans: Remove dust and bugs that can accumulate, brightening the room and improving air quality.
  • Vents and Air Filters: Clean or replace filters to improve airflow and reduce allergens. Vacuum out vents to remove dust.
  • Behind Appliances: Pull out appliances like the fridge and stove to clean the areas behind them, which are often overlooked.
  • Closet Shelves and Rods: Wipe down before unpacking to ensure your clothes stay clean and fresh.
  • Garage and Storage Areas: Sweep floors and wipe down shelves to keep these areas organized and tidy from the start.

Deep Cleaning Techniques for a Sparkling Home

Achieving a truly sparkling home requires more than just a once-over with a duster and mop. Deep cleaning techniques delve into the fabric of your home, refreshing and renewing from the inside out. This process can breathe new life into every corner, ensuring your living space not only looks clean but feels deeply purified. With a focus on areas that accumulate the most dirt and grime, deep cleaning tackles the home’s foundation: floors and carpets.

Advanced Cleaning of Floors and Carpets

Floors and carpets bear the brunt of daily activities and often require more than the standard clean to shine truly. Here’s how to elevate your cleaning game for these critical areas:

  • For Hard Floors:
      • Begin with a thorough sweep or vacuum to remove loose debris.
      • Use a steam or a microfiber mop paired with a suitable cleaner for your floor type (hardwood, tile, laminate) for deeper sanitization.
      • Tackle tough stains with baking soda and water paste, letting it sit before scrubbing gently.
  • For Carpets:
    • Vacuum thoroughly, using attachments to reach into corners and under furniture.
    • Treat stains immediately with a carpet stain remover, following the product instructions carefully.
    • Consider renting a carpet cleaner for a day to shampoo the carpets, or hire professional carpet cleaners for the most thorough clean.
    • Freshen up carpets by sprinkling baking soda, letting it sit, and then vacuuming it up to remove odors.

Window Washing for Natural Light

Letting natural light flood into your new home enhances its beauty, warmth, and welcoming vibe. Clean windows are key to achieving this effect, removing the grime and dirt that can dull the exterior and obscure the sun’s rays. Here’s how to ensure your windows sparkle and let in as much light as possible:

  • Remove Dust First: Use a dry cloth or brush to remove any loose dust and cobwebs from the window frame and sill.
  • Choose the Right Cleaner: Opt for a streak-free window cleaning solution or use vinegar and water.
  • Use a Squeegee: For a smooth, streak-free finish, use a squeegee. Wipe the squeegee after each swipe for the best results.
  • Buff Out Streaks: If any streaks do appear, gently buff the glass with a clean, dry microfiber cloth.
  • Clean on a Cloudy Day: Bright sunlight can dry the cleaning solution too quickly, leaving streaks. A cloudy day is perfect for window washing.

Tackling Hidden Dust and Grime

Hidden dust and grime in overlooked nooks and crannies can accumulate over time, contributing to a less-than-fresh feeling in your new home. A thorough deep clean addresses these often-missed areas, ensuring your space is truly clean from top to bottom. Here are steps to tackle hidden dust and grime effectively:

  • Top of Cabinets and Fridges: Use a step ladder and a microfiber cloth to dust the tops of these high surfaces.
  • Behind Appliances: Carefully move appliances to sweep and mop the area behind them, where dust and debris tend to gather.
  • Under Furniture: Slide furniture away from its usual spot to vacuum or sweep underneath. Consider using furniture sliders for heavy pieces.
  • Window Tracks and Door Frames: Use a small brush or an old toothbrush to loosen dirt in these narrow spaces, then vacuum or wipe clean.
  • Baseboard Edges and Corners: Dust tends to settle in these areas. Use a damp cloth or a dusting brush attachment on your vacuum to clean them thoroughly.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Tips for Your Move In

Embracing eco-friendly cleaning methods for your move-in benefits the environment and ensures a safe, toxin-free space for you and your family. With growing awareness about the harmful effects of many traditional cleaning products, turning to green cleaning solutions is a responsible choice. These practices not only minimize your ecological footprint but can also be more economical and equally effective.

Using Green Cleaning Products

Switching to green cleaning products is a straightforward step toward a more eco-conscious move. These products are made from natural ingredients, reducing the risk of allergic reactions and indoor air pollution. Here’s how to incorporate them into your cleaning routine:

  • Research and Choose Wisely: Look for products certified by reputable environmental organizations. These products have been vetted for their eco-friendly ingredients and practices.
  • DIY Cleaning Solutions: Household items like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon can be powerful cleaning agents. For example, a mixture of vinegar and water makes an excellent glass cleaner.
  • Microfiber Cloths: Pair your green cleaning products with microfiber cloths, which can clean surfaces effectively without the need for chemical cleaners.
  • Essential Oils for Fragrance: Instead of synthetic fragrances, add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or tea tree to your cleaning solutions for a natural, pleasant scent.
  • Recycled and Reusable Materials: Opt for cleaning tools made from recycled materials, and use reusable spray bottles for your DIY cleaners.

DIY Natural Cleaning Solutions

Creating your natural cleaning solutions is not just eco-friendly; it’s also cost-effective and simple. With a few basic ingredients, you can tackle almost any cleaning task in your new home without resorting to harsh chemicals. These DIY mixtures are gentle on the environment and safe for families, especially those with small children or pets.

  • All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix equal water and white vinegar in a spray bottle. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil for a fresh scent.
  • Window and Glass Cleaner: Combine 2 cups of water, ½ cup of vinegar, and ¼ cup of rubbing alcohol for a streak-free shine.
  • Carpet Stain Remover: Mix 1 part white vinegar with two parts water and spray on the stain. Let sit, then blot with a clean cloth.
  • Grout Cleaner: Make a paste with baking soda and water, apply to the grout, and then scrub with a brush.
  • Wood Polish: Combine olive oil and lemon juice in a 2:1 ratio to polish wood surfaces gently.

Reducing Waste During Your Move In Clean

Minimizing waste during your move-in cleaning is another step towards an eco-friendly lifestyle. You can significantly reduce your environmental impact by making conscious choices about the products and methods you use.

  • Reuse and Repurpose: Use old t-shirts and towels as cleaning rags instead of disposable paper towels.
  • Buy in Bulk: Purchase cleaning ingredients like baking soda and vinegar in bulk to minimize packaging waste.
  • Recycle Containers: Recycle or repurpose spray bottles and containers from store-bought products by refilling them with your DIY cleaners.
  • Compostable Scrubbers: Opt for natural sponges or brushes made from biodegradable plant materials.
  • Mindful Disposal: Properly dispose of or recycle any packaging materials from your move, and donate items you no longer need instead of throwing them away.

move in deep clean essentialsOrganizing Your Home From the Start

Organizing your home from the moment you move in sets a foundation for a clutter-free, serene living space. This approach not only makes your home more aesthetically pleasing but also functional and easy to navigate. Starting with organization in mind can save you time and stress later on, allowing you to enjoy your new home to its fullest from day one. Embracing this strategy involves a bit of planning and foresight, but the rewards in terms of peace of mind and efficiency are well worth it.

Decluttering Before Unpacking

Decluttering before you start unpacking offers a unique opportunity to sort through your belongings and decide what truly deserves a place in your new home. This process can significantly reduce the amount of stuff you need to find space for, making organization easier and more effective.

  • Sort Items by Category: Tackle your belongings by category (clothes, books, kitchenware) rather than by room. This method helps you see exactly how much you have of each type of item.
  • Use the Four-Box Method: As you unpack each box, sort items into four categories: keep, donate, sell, or trash. This system forces you to make decisions about each item on the spot.
  • Question the Utility and Joy of Each Item: For each item, ask yourself if it’s useful or brings you joy. If it does neither, it’s time to let it go.
  • Digitize What You Can: When possible, reduce physical clutter by digitizing paperwork, photos, and other documents.
  • Set Limits: Decide on a specific amount of space for each category of items. If your belongings exceed this space, it’s a sign you need to declutter further.

Storage Solutions for Every Room

Finding the right storage solutions for every room in your new home can transform the way you live and interact with your space. Effective storage is not just about hiding things away; it’s about creating a functional, accessible environment that keeps your life running smoothly. Whether it’s the kitchen, bathroom, living room, or bedroom, there are innovative and practical storage options that can help maximize space and minimize clutter.

  • Kitchen: Utilize drawer organizers for utensils and spice racks to keep counters clear. Consider hanging pots and pans to save cabinet space.
  • Bathroom: Over-the-toilet shelving units and under-sink organizers can dramatically increase storage space for toiletries and linens.
  • Living Room: Use storage ottomans and built-in shelving units to store blankets, books, and entertainment devices without sacrificing style.
  • Bedrooms: Invest in bed frames with built-in drawers and use closet organizers to maximize wardrobe space.
  • Entryway: A key drop station and shoe rack can keep the entrance to your home organized and welcoming.

Keeping Your Home Organized and Tidy

Maintaining an organized and tidy home after you’ve moved in is just as important as setting it up. Keeping your space organized makes it more aesthetically pleasing and functional and peaceful. Here are some tips to help maintain the order and cleanliness of your new home:

  • Daily Tidying: Allocate 10-15 minutes daily to tidy up common areas, preventing clutter from accumulating.
  • Regular Decluttering: Schedule monthly sessions to go through items and decide what to keep, donate, or discard.
  • Everything In Its Place: Adopt a strict “return it to its place” policy for items used daily to prevent misplaced objects and clutter.
  • Use Labels: Labeling shelves, boxes, and bins can help everyone in the household know where things belong, making it easier to maintain order.
  • Involve the Family: Make organizing a team effort by assigning tasks and areas to each family member, turning maintenance into a shared responsibility.

Hiring Professional Cleaners: When to Consider It

Sometimes, hiring professional cleaners is the best way to ensure your new home is immaculate and ready for move-in. This option can be particularly appealing after a stressful move, offering peace of mind that every corner of your home will be addressed with professional care and attention. Deciding to hire professionals can depend on several factors, including the size of your home, your schedule, and the level of cleaning required. It’s an investment in your home’s cleanliness, time, and well-being.

Benefits of Professional Move In Cleaning

Hiring professional cleaners for a move-in clean provides numerous advantages that go beyond the obvious perk of having a clean home. Here are some key benefits:

  • Thoroughness: Professionals have the tools and expertise to clean areas you might overlook.
  • Time-saving: Freeing up your schedule to focus on unpacking and settling into your new home.
  • Stress Reduction: Reducing the burden of cleaning tasks during the already hectic moving time.
  • Healthier Environment: Professional cleaners can use eco-friendly products to ensure a safe, non-toxic environment.
  • Long-term Maintenance: A professional cleaning can make maintaining your home’s cleanliness easier in the long run.

How to Choose a Reliable Cleaning Service

Selecting the right professional cleaning service for your move-in cleaning is crucial. You want a team that’s trustworthy, efficient, and thorough. Start by researching local services with strong reputations and positive reviews. Recommendations from friends or family can also lead you to reliable providers. Ensure the cleaning service is insured and bonded for your protection and inquire about their cleaning products—especially if you prefer eco-friendly options. Asking about their experience with move-in cleans specifically can also give you insight into whether they’re the right fit for your needs.

What to Expect From Professional Cleaning Services

When you hire a professional cleaning service for your move-in cleaning, you should have clear expectations of their service. Here’s what a reputable company typically offers:

  • Comprehensive Cleaning: Expect a deep clean of all areas, including bathrooms, kitchens, living spaces, and bedrooms.
  • Customization: Many services offer customizable cleaning packages so you can focus on areas that need the most attention.
  • Supplies and Equipment: The cleaning service should provide all necessary cleaning supplies and equipment.
  • Professionalism: Cleaners should be punctual, respectful of your property, and efficient in their work.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee: Look for companies that offer a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring they’ll address any areas you feel need additional attention.

Maintaining Your Space After the Move In

Once you’ve settled into your new home, establishing a routine to maintain cleanliness and organization is key. Keeping up with daily and weekly tasks can prevent clutter and dirt from building up, making your home more enjoyable and manageable. It’s about creating habits that fit into your lifestyle, ensuring your space continues to feel as fresh and welcoming as it did on day one. By setting aside specific times for cleaning and organizing, you can maintain the pristine condition of your move-in day without feeling overwhelmed.

Daily and Weekly Cleaning Routines

Integrating daily and weekly cleaning routines is essential to keep your home in top shape. These routines can help you manage tasks efficiently, spreading them out to avoid any single day becoming too burdensome.

  • Daily Tasks:
      • Wipe down kitchen counters and dining tables to free them from crumbs and spills.
      • Do the dishes or load the dishwasher to prevent sink clutter.
      • Make the bed to start the day with a sense of order and accomplishment.
      • Quick sweep or vacuum of high-traffic areas to keep floors tidy.
  • Weekly Tasks:
    • Dust all surfaces, including furniture, window sills, and electronics, to keep allergens at bay.
    • Clean the bathroom, including the toilet, shower, and sink, to maintain sanitation.
    • Mop floors to remove any accumulated dirt and grime over the week.
    • Laundry, including bed linens and towels, to ensure a fresh and clean living environment.
    • Organize and declutter one area of your home to gradually reduce possessions and maintain order.

Seasonal Deep Cleaning Tips

Seasonal deep cleaning plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy and vibrant home environment year-round. Each season brings its own set of cleaning tasks, tailored to preparing your home for the coming months. Embracing these tasks can refresh your space and prevent the accumulation of dirt and clutter, making your home more enjoyable.

  • Spring:
      • Wash windows inside and out to let in the spring sunshine.
      • Deep clean carpets and rugs to remove winter’s dirt and allergens.
      • Declutter closets and donate unused clothing.
  • Summer:
      • Clean and dust fans and air conditioning vents for cooler, cleaner air.
      • Wash outdoor furniture and decks to enjoy outdoor spaces.
      • Organize the garage or shed to make summer tools and toys accessible.
  • Fall:
      • Clean gutters and downspouts to prepare for rain or snow.
      • Seal gaps around windows and doors to keep the heat in and pests out.
      • Deep clean the kitchen in preparation for holiday cooking.
  • Winter:
    • Clean and check the fireplace and chimney for safe use.
    • Swap out bedding for warmer options and store summer linens.
    • Organize holiday decorations and discard broken items.

Organizing for Easier Cleaning

A well-organized home simplifies the cleaning process, making it faster and more efficient. Keeping items in their designated places and minimizing clutter can significantly reduce the time spent on cleaning tasks. Here’s how to organize your home for easier cleaning:

  • Designate Storage Areas: Assign specific places for commonly used items to reduce surface clutter.
  • Use Clear Storage Bins: Transparent bins allow you to see what’s inside, making it easier to find what you need and keep things tidy.
  • Implement a “One In, One Out” Rule: To avoid accumulation, consider removing an old item for every new item brought into your home.
  • Keep Cleaning Supplies Handy: Store cleaning supplies in each area of your home (e.g., bathrooms, kitchen) for quick touch-ups.
  • Regularly Review and Declutter: Set a schedule to go through your belongings and declutter. This makes cleaning less daunting and more manageable.

Move out cleaning checklist boardwalk cleaningFrequently Asked Questions

What is the first thing to clean in a new house?

When you first enter your new home, the best place to start cleaning is the kitchen. This is because the kitchen is the heart of the home and typically requires the most detailed cleaning. It’s where you’ll prepare meals and spend a lot of time with family, so you want it to be spotless and sanitary. Start by cleaning the refrigerator, as it’s essential for food storage. Then, move on to the stove and oven, as these areas can accumulate grease and food residue. Don’t forget to clean inside the cabinets and drawers, and finish by mopping the floors. Starting with the kitchen sets a clean foundation for the rest of your home cleaning tasks.

How long does it take to clean a house before moving in?

The time it takes to clean a house before moving in can vary widely depending on the size of the home and its condition. On average, a thorough move-in clean for a medium-sized house can take about 4 to 8 hours. This time frame assumes that you’re performing a deep clean, which includes dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing bathrooms, cleaning the kitchen thoroughly, and mopping floors. If the house is larger or requires more intensive cleaning, it could take longer. Planning and prioritizing tasks can help streamline the process, making it more efficient.

Are there eco-friendly cleaning solutions for move-in cleaning?

Yes, many eco-friendly cleaning solutions are perfect for move-in cleaning. These green cleaners are made from natural and biodegradable ingredients, making them safer for your family and the environment. Popular homemade solutions include using vinegar mixed with water for glass cleaning, baking soda for scrubbing surfaces, and lemon juice for its disinfectant properties. Many commercially available eco-friendly cleaning products are effective and sustainably manufactured. Using these green cleaning options helps reduce exposure to harsh chemicals and supports a healthier living environment.

What are the benefits of hiring a professional cleaning service for move in?

Hiring a professional cleaning service for your move-in can offer several advantages. Firstly, it saves you time and energy during the moving process, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your move. Professional cleaners bring their expertise and equipment, ensuring a thorough clean that might be difficult to achieve on your own. They can also address areas you might overlook, such as deep cleaning carpets and sanitizing bathrooms. Furthermore, many services use eco-friendly cleaning products, contributing to a safe and healthy living space. Opting for professional cleaning can provide peace of mind, knowing that your new home is spotless and welcoming.

How often should I do deep cleaning after moving in?

After moving in, performing a deep cleaning at least every three to six months is recommended. Regular deep cleans help maintain a healthy and comfortable living environment, addressing areas not covered in daily or weekly cleaning routines. This includes cleaning behind appliances, washing windows, dusting high and hard-to-reach places, and deep cleaning carpets and upholstery. Seasonal changes can serve as a good reminder to schedule these deep cleans, helping to keep your home in top condition throughout the year. Regular deep cleaning not only preserves the cleanliness and tidiness of your home but also helps to prolong the life of your furnishings and finishes.

Ready for a Sparkling Clean Home in Austin, TX?

Embarking on your move to a new home should be exciting, not exhausting. The Boardwalk Cleaning Co. is here to ensure your transition is as smooth and stress-free as possible. With our expertise in eco-friendly move-in cleaning, we’re committed to providing you with a fresh start. Our team of professionals is known for their thoroughness, reliability, and use of green cleaning solutions. Schedule your move-in cleaning today and experience the peace of mind that comes with a professionally cleaned home. Contact us to get started and make your move to Austin, TX, a pleasant journey

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Jessica Duarte Co-Founder & Owner
High-impact leader with ability to bring out the best in others and consistently exceed goals. I've been in the maid service business for 21 years and like a lot of small business owners, I started in my garage with a mop, a bucket and a dream.